Boba Diary

Snow Peach Mountain(White Peach) (Bawangchaji Funan)

My Order:

  • Snow Peach Mountain
  • No Sugar

This is a limited seasonal drink. The only choice you have is the sugar level. Not much customization, but that makes sense considering that they are quite restrictive with what add-ons they allow. You are only given the option of the foam top on their milk teas. For those of us who don’t like dairy with their tea, I’m sorry.

This milk tea has a rose petal cream topping which you are supposed to eat with a spoon. It was very nice and light, and not very sweet. I enjoyed it quite a bit. The rose flavor really came through and the little flower pieces were a nice touch. I do like richer and heavier flavors more (such as the foam on their Halloween special/ Dark Mountain special).

The drink itself was kind of weird. They were going for a blended ice milk tea drink, but the ice itself barely had any taste. There was the foam layer, then a blended ice layer, then the milk tea at the bottom. I ended up using my spoon to mix the ice into the milk tea.

The Peach Oolong milk tea itself was quite nice. It was easy to pick out the peach flavor in the tea. The oolong itself wasn’t too strong, but I would consider this a solid fruity accented milk tea.

I would recommend this drink to those that enjoy lighter and more delicate flavors. Plus the drink is really pretty!


I’m not sure whether to consider the blended ice part of the drink or the topping. I’m going with drink.

  • Topping: 6.5/10
  • Drink: 2.5/10 ( 0/10 for the ice, 5/10 for the milk tea)
  • Tea flavor: 6/10
  • Tea strength: 4/10
  • Creaminess: 7/10
  • Creativity: 7/10

Boba Powa: 4.5/10

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