Boba Diary

Royal No. 9 Milk Tea (The Alley Funan)

My Order:

  • Royal No. 9 Milk Tea
  • Large
  • 0% Sugar
  • No Ice
  • Deerioca (tapioca pearls)

Hi, thanks for reading my first post. I had the Royal No. 9 Milk Tea this morning and I don’t remember the taste very well. I suppose the purpose of this blog is to fix this issue, so yay! I also don’t have any pictures since I only got motivated to start this blog this evening (shoutout to my friend J for the idea) and I had the drink in the morning. I’ll try my best to recount my experience, but a retasting is definitely in order.  

When ordering boba, I tend to get 0% sugar because I want the taste of the tea to come through. The sweetness of the toppings usually packs more than enough of a punch for me. My wife got me no ice since I was going to chug the drink within the next 5 minutes. Usually I’ll do less ice so the drink stays cold for longer. And of course, when given the option to upsize, the rule is to always upsize.

According to their website, this is a “blueberry infused black tea“. I might be wrong, but I think it’s an earl grey tea infused with blueberry. When I first had this drink, I thought the blueberry flavor came across as too artificial. I enjoy the flavor infusion quite a bit now, so perhaps it is an acquired taste. The pearls were done quite well- chewy and sweet, but not too sweet once the drink was stirred.

This is the first boba I’m attempting to rate and my memory of the drink itself is hazy, so I’m going to take my own score with a grain of salt. I think when using with a scale from 0 to 10, the mean/median score should fall roughly around 5 and most of the scale should get coverage. So a score of 5/10 means average, not terrible (much unlike a 2.5/5 on google reviews, which probably indicates your business is in dire straits).

Overall I feel the drink was solid, but there wasn’t anything exceptional.


  • Topping: 7/10
  • Drink: 7/10

Boba Powa: 7/10

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