Boba Diary

Golden Oolong Milk Tea (iTea Bedok)

My Order:

  • Golden Oolong Milk Tea
  • 0 % Sugar
  • Pearl
  • Normal Ice

TBH I didn’t have high expectations with this drink. They’re not well-known and the drink was quite cheap ($3.20). I was very pleasantly surprised!

The taste of the Golden Oolong Tea was nice. The tea has a lot of tannins and earthy floral flavors. The strength of the tea taste was quite strong as well.

The only real big complain I have about the milk tea itself was that it wasn’t creamy enough. There wasn’t enough creaminess to balance out the tea flavor, which is a shame. I think they either needed to use a stronger creamer or add about 50% more.

The pearls here were medium size, so somewhere between the tiny balls that roll in your mouth too much and the regular-sized pearls. The texture suited my taste- nice and chewy (15% soft, 85% chew). Problem is with the smaller sized pearls, I don’t get the requisite number of chews I’m used to.

I wrote in an earlier post (Gongcha Oolong Milk Tea) that brown sugar/honey pearls always trump regular pearls. Now I take it back. I think if the drink itself has enough tea flavor/strength and creaminess, regular pearls are the way to go (I’m looking at you Ding Tea… I miss you). I really enjoyed the roasted oolong milk tea from that Taiwan-based bubble tea store when I was living in San Diego. It looks like there used to be one at Far East Square, but it is now temporarily closed.

Overall, I’d definitely recommend checking iTea out, especially for those on a budget. I’ll be back to try their Earl Grey Milk Tea at the next opportunity.


  • Topping: 7
  • Drink: 7
  • Tea flavor: 7
  • Tea Strength: 8
  • Creaminess: 3
  • Creativity: 1

Boba Powa: 7

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