Boba Diary

Duck Shit Snow Mountain (LiHo Thomson Plaza)

My Order:

  • Duck Shit Snow Mountain
  • Large
  • Golden Pearls
  • 0% Sugar

I decided to give LiHo another chance and I was very pleasantly surprised! I’ve seen some marketing for their Duck Shit Tea, so being the susceptible person I am, I gave it a try.

The foam was advertised as light and fluffy. They didn’t lie- it was just whipped cream. The pearls were chewy and a bit sweet, but they were a bit soft for me.

The milk tea didn’t have too strong of a roast. It was fragrant, floral, and earthy. It was sufficiently creamy as well. I think Duck Shit is extremely chuggable and has a people pleasing taste.

My wife got the Earl Grey Tea which has a super strong citrus flavor. It was very nice.

I’m pleased to say that I will be going back to LiHo frequently in the future to give more of their offerings a try.

My Order:

  • Drink: 8
  • Topping: 5 (3 for foam, 7 for pearls)
  • Tea Flavor: 8
  • Tea Strength: 6
  • Creaminess: 7
  • Creativity: 5

Boba Powa: 6.5

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