Boba Diary

Roasted Oolong Milk Tea (R&B Thomson Plaza)

My Order:

  • Roasted Oolong Milk Tea
  • Brown Sugar Pearls
  • No Sugar
  • Less Ice

I decided to give R&B another shot. Last time I ordered their No. 23 Oolong Milk Tea and I wasn’t impressed. I made a rookie mistake and got the non-dairy creamer because I forgot to ask for fresh milk. TBH at this point, I’m not even sure which I prefer. I’ll have to do some A/B blind taste test soon. That’s coming up!

The oolong milk tea wasn’t bad (foreshadowing: this was before I mixed the drink). Roasted Oolong used to be my favorite milk tea flavor, so I’m a bit biased. The roasted tea flavor was nice, but it wasn’t very strong. I noticed when making the drink, they put a very large amount of tea and a small amount of creamer. The drink still tasted milky and creamy, so I guess a small amount of creamer goes a long way.

Their brown sugar pearls were too soft for me. They were 80% soft, 20% chew. I like my pearls to be 10% soft, 90% chew. Some of the pearls were chewier than others, which was kind of weird. Makes me think they mixed two batches of pearls up or something.

There was way too much brown sugar syrup in the topping. After I stirred the drink, it became too sweet. You can see in the picture above that there is a layer of brown sugar syrup rising above the pearl level. If you look at the Brown Sugar Deerioca from The Alley a few posts back, you’ll notice that the brown sugar syrup layer doesn’t rise nearly as far. I’m going to downgrade my score for the topping even further because of this.

I can see people who like a sweet drink with soft pearls enjoying this drink a lot. Not my jam.


  • Topping: 2
  • Drink: 5
  • Tea Flavor: 6
  • Tea Strength: 3.5
  • Creaminess: 4
  • Creativity: 1

Boba Powa: 3.5

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